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A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to each student who completes all the subjects of the course of study. Texas Creative Careers has established the following requirements and procedures for graduation.​

Grade Point Average

A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 for all courses taken at Texas Creative Careers is required to graduate. No more than ONE course may be below a class grade of 70

Course & Attendance

Students must have completed satisfactory course completion and a minimum of 64 attendance and classroom hours per semester to graduate with a certificate of completion; at least 40 credit hours must be with an externship. Students should check the program's curriculum checksheet for course requirements.


Externship & Portfolio

Complete at least 40 externship hours (if applicable). Web portfolio completed with at least 10 project displays


Interviews with administration and with a job placement coordinator

A student who has completed the course of study but does not meet course completion requirements can contact the registrar to for one opportunity to repeat subject classes with unsatisfactory grades in a subsequent term beginning no later than 12 calendar months after the end of the term in which the student was originally enrolled. There will be no additional administrative or tuition fees charged for students who exercise this option; however, there may be additional fees for books, supplies, and fees.

2024 Graduation Highlights

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